Milledge Consulting

...your edge to success.

Interview Strategy
- Be well prepared. Do your homework and research the company.
- Make a very positive first impression. If this doesn't happen, the interview is generally over.
- Answer every question in a manner that demonstrates professionalism and confidence. Explain how your knowledge, skills and experience will benefit the company.
- Ask a lot of questions about the company's growth plans, services, market share, etc. Show genuine interest in the company.
- Get a job offer. Give yourself choices. Once you have an offer, we can determine if this position matches your career objectives. Do not introduce obstacles to discourage this (such as spouse's career, schools, real estate, moving expenses)...we will cover these AFTER the offer is received.

- Research the company so that you know that the company is a good fit for you, and so that you will be able to impress the people with whom you interview.
- Visit the company's web site, to gather information about the company and its management. You will also want to review press releases/media information, and recent quarterly and annual reports. - Inventory major responsibilities. Evaluate how well you carried out your duties and explain what benefits your current employer derives from your performance. (Money saved, projects completed, innovation in design, etc.)
- Honestly assess your background and develop explanations for weak points.
- Prepare a list of tough questions that may be asked, then develop answers to these questions.
- Practice responses alone and with a trusted friend. Record and evaluate yourself.
- Prepare a list of questions that you want to ask the company.

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